Rack Supported warehouse (RSW), is a most suitable self supported structures that make the maximum use of ground space and heights.
The rack supported warehouse racks load consists bay load and seismic forces and additional external loads like wing, snow, building structure. The Rack supported warehouse construction does not require conventional structural columns to support the walls and roof. They are fixed directly on to the racking structure to complete the building. There is no interference with building columns. The system provides the best utilization of space and volume.
While Rack supported warehouse construction, racking system cost is higher by about 15% but building construction cost reduces to about 50%. Significantly depreciation cost of warehouse building is shorter due to it depreciates with equipment RSW.
Components of Rack Supported Building:
This can be either ASRS, Shuttle rack, Drive in Type Rack, Double deep rack, Narrow Aisle Palletized Racks, Conventional palletized Racking or Cantilever racking.